My name is Matt. This is me and my baby:
I have a background in computational physics and am a data scientist by trade.
Me and my partner would like to know what factors contribute to a good night’s sleep for our baby. In particular, I would like to answer the following questions:
Does a late nap contribute to a worse night’s sleep? Does the timing of bathtime affect sleep patterns? Does a more substantial evening ‘meal’ contribute to longer sleep?
I have the following data sources:
- SQLite database from Baby Daybook app → nap data. Self-reported.
- XML files from Apple Health → nighttime sleep data. Measured on Apple Watch. Use this as a proxy for baby sleep.
- Numbers spreadsheet → additional nap data, self-reported. Use this to vibe check the data from Baby Daybook and assess it for quality and cleanliness.
I’ll be using R and SQLite to bring these data sources together and try to gain some understanding.
Plan is to stick it into this blog along the way. Likely the blog posts will be pretty short as I’ll be mainly writing and exploring the data set while the baby sleeps.